It’s dedicated to the Research and Development of Software for retail and industry. Created and joined in the Group in 2010.
Know moreAcquisition in 2004 of the entire share capital of EUROPESAGEM - Comércio Internacional de Balanças, Lda, a company specialized in the distribution of commercial and industrial weighing equipment (Founded in 2001).
Know moreOfficial representative of the German brand ESPERA, of weighing and labeling equipment. Created in 2011.
Know moreAs any other family, Balanças Marques loves weddings and, mostly, see all its elements really happy – employees, partners, customers and products included. So, we are always bringing together our scales, our software and viewers to make the perfect couples, not just for themselves but also for you and your business.
Here, at Balanças Marques, we have several couples that are an example for everyone – the kind of couples who were born for each other, you know? Each element of each pair complete each other on different aspects. It’s while holding hands they work every day, with the same purpose: helping our partners and clients on the weighing chores of their businesses.
BM5 ARM scale + ETPOS software
Our BM5 ARM scale and our ETPOS software make one of the most iconic couples of the whole Marques family. Together, they are that perfect pair that makes all heads turn. Because they communicate with each other without even talking. Because they finish each other’ sentences (and tasks). Because they fill in each other’s gaps.
With its elegant, yet resistant, body BM5 ARM is responsible for the heaviest part, carrying the weight and determining the mass. ETPOS uses the weight to calculate prices and billing products. But it is as one that they carry out each chore.
Both of them winners of awards from Weighing Review in their categories – respectively best retail scale and best weighing software/solution in the world -, BM5 ARM and ETPOS made it their life purpose to help you take care and manage your retail business.
PCM M1500e weighbridge + BM700 mupi
Our PCM M1500e weighbridge and our BM700 mupi are the most innovative and technological pair on the side of the family of industrial weighing. Like any happy couple, they make communication their priority and they are determined to share all the weight of the work between both of them.
Robust and resistant, PCM M1500e is capable of weighing any kind of truck and can carry until 80 tons. But it counts on the support of BM700 that insists on simplifying the whole process of weighing vehicles, making the most out of recent technology to give instructions to the truck drivers, to identify licence plates and to determine the net weight and tare in an automatic way, without the need of any action by the operator.
Already a winner of the category of best truck scale in the world on Weihing Review Awards, this weighbridge is then more complete with this mupi, composing with it a perfect couple to work at Ferpinta and any other business that intends to have the same level of agility.
Monocell weighing platform M + BM1000P BAT viewer
Our monocell weighing platform with column and our BM1000P BAT viewer are another invincible duo of our family. Destined for each other – and also for industrial weighing -, they appear to be really one. As the perfect couple they are, they even have a name (just like a Hollywood couple), being known as MC ECO BAT.
While M platform does the weighing of the load up to 600 kg (and carries it without complaining), BM1000P BAT is ready to receive the information it transmits to be able to communicate it to you. Together, they allow you to find out the net weight and the tare, as well as printing the dada on a ticket. So, only the two of them together can form a complete platform, capable of responding to the heavy challenges you daily face in your business.
And these are only some of the perfect duos made out of products from Balanças Marques’ family! Around our website and also our online store, you can find a lot more couples that will help you the weight tasks in your company.